York Early Music Festival Event 14

Wednesday 9 July 1.00pm – 2.00pm
£24.00 (£22.00 concessions | £10.00 under 35)
Venue: NCEM

Ibrahim Aziz, John Bryan, Alison Crum, Andrew Kerr, Roy Marks viols

with Ex Corde
Paul Gameson director

Anna Snow, Alisun Pawley, Caroline Sartin, Jason Darnell, Christopher O’Gorman, Jonty Ward

The Silver Swan Orlando Gibbons’s Music ‘Apt For Viols And Voyces’ When Gibbons published his First Set of Madrigals and Mottets, he marketed it as ‘apt’ for both viols and voices, and it certainly works beautifully when performed by a combination of the two ensembles, which he also used in verse anthems such as ‘See, see, the Word is incarnate’. His ‘Cries’, based on the shouts of London Street vendors, bring the city’s outdoors vividly to the ear, while his In nomines demonstrate his superb ability to imbue the age-old concept of plainsong-based composition with vibrant new life.

Please note there is a £1.50 administration fee per transaction

Event Date: 09/07/2025 1:00pm

The NCEM is available to hire for anniversaries, birthday parties, wedding receptions, conferences, dinners and musical events.