Light Stories


Sunday 18 May 6.30pm
£22.00 (£20.00 concessions | £7.00 under 35

with video design by YeastCulture and on-screen dance by Mavin Khoo

Tells the story of Matthew Barley’s life through music and projected imagery, narrating his search for meaning in music-making and how, in time, he came to heal past wounds.

The performance incorporates pieces by Joby Talbot, Anna Meredith, John Metcalfe and Bach with new works by Barley, connected by moments of improvisations and electronics.

Light Stories is a passionate celebration of the redemptive power of music, bringing Barley’s teenage story of trauma and recovery into the light for the first time, integrating the twin senses of seeing and hearing, music and memory, sight and sound.

Innovative video designers Yeast Culture create projected images as a vivid counterpoint to the music, evoking the darkness of trauma and its transformation into clarity and understanding.

one of classical music’s leading mould-breakers” The Independent

Please note there is a £1.50 administration fee per transaction

Event Date: 18/05/2025 6:30pm

The NCEM is available to hire for anniversaries, birthday parties, wedding receptions, conferences, dinners and musical events.