University of York Baroque+ Day

Sunday 7 May 2023 7.30pm
£14.00 (£12.00 concessions | £3.00 Students)

Lucy Russell, Rachel Gray directors

Ah! Vienna – Vienna Before Mozart

Programme to include:
Antonio Bertali Sonata à 6 in D minor, IAB 6
Johann Heinrich Schmelzer Sonata IV a 6 from Sacro-profanus concentus musicus fidium aliorumque instrumentorum
Johann Joseph Fux Overture in D minor. K.deest
Heinrich Biber Battalia à 10

Vienna is best known for the composers of the Classical period, but the city had a rich musical history stretching back to the seventeenth century. University of York Baroque Ensemble explores instrumental music by composers associated with Vienna and the Habsburg Court, from the seventeenth to eighteenth centuries, a time during which the Hofkapelle more than doubled in size and highly regarded Central-European and Italian composers came to work at the court.

Please note there is a £1.50 administration fee per transaction

Event Date: 07/05/2023 7:30pm

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