Applications now open for a performance PhD studentship with the University of York
The National Centre for Early Music (NCEM) is the national advocate of early music in England and a centre of excellence for music-making in the City of York.
The NCEM hosts three festivals of early music in Yorkshire, a year-round programme of folk, jazz, early music and world music concerts supported by a significant creative learning programme. NCEM boasts an enviable reputation for blending artistic quality, administrative excellence and creative diversity.
NCEM supports emerging early music artists as they step from conservatoire to stage across Europe with residences, the biennial York Young Artists Competition, a national composers award run in association with BBC Radio 3 and a Directory of Early Music Artists designed to support the wider English based early music community.
Supporters of our work are encouraged to join the NCEM's Patrons Scheme - we offer opportunities to meet with artists, enjoy supper parties with like-minded individuals and a chance to really make a difference.